Smiling Makes the World Go Around


Did you know that smiling makes your life better? I mean it’s clearly better than frowning, because (a) Botox is expensive and (b) frowning makes my head hurt, but in actual fact, smiling improves the QUALITY of your life. How cool is that? Don’t believe me, try it.  You see, the Law of Attraction (more to come on that later) and it’s basic application means that essentially the more you smile, two incredible things will happen. Firstly, the Universe being the magnanimous giver it is, will give you more to smile about! Amazing. I’ll have me some of that thanks, and the some please.  And as if that wasn’t enough, smiling brings other people with similar energy into your orbit. Imagine by changing something tiny like smiling instead of frowning or blank facing the world, would mean you start to get an incredible crowd of like-minded, happy, positive and radiant people around you. This is a no-brainer; yes please!  Like attracts like, and so it goes. So get out those snappers and switch on your smiles today gorgeous ones.  Not only will it bring you amazing benefits and make you feel good inside, but think of how incredible it makes another person feel when you unexpectedly smile at them.  Yeah! I want on that gravy train. Big smiley love to you all xxxxxx

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Angela CookComment